Cycle Mapping
Map your cycle through daily cycle check-ins
Self Check-In
Checking in with yourself frequently during the day is a mindfulness exercise, building up the spiritual muscle to regularly have one eye on your own internal experience. This can help you regulate your nervous system, emotions and presence with others. It's a chance to take micro pauses during your day, to soothe yourself with 3 deep breaths, and to befriend whatever is happening for you.
Decide on the number of times you want to do this self-reflective exercise per day and consider setting an alarm to remind you to take your internal weather temperature check.
​What am I noticing?
Make a note of your wellbeing in the spreadsheet, a general sense of your energy and mood.
Take a few breaths and reengage with your activities. The map will emerge as you collect the data and notice the patterns over time.​
Community Check-In
Having a safe place to share your ongoing journey with menstruality is transformative.
Here at Red Lotus, we use the powerful tool of metaphor to share our cycle check-ins. This can be in words, imagery, song, gesture, movement and other art forms. Metaphor helps us to deepen awareness of our inner cyclical landscape so our unique cyclical map can emerge.
​This cycle day is like what?
For me, I'm on day 11. It's like I'm a meerkat poking my head above ground to see what's about and get some sun. The landscape is clear and dry.
We share the metaphor, which is a shortcut and encapsulation of our experience, rather than the details. Overtime magic and our map is revealed.
Share yours in the WhatsApp group below.